


圣安东尼奥 软水器 companies will all tell you the same thing – that the water in central Texas is hard. Many homeowners don’t realize the difference soft water can make until they install a 软水器.

偶尔, you will still find someone who has reservations about using a 软水器 in their home. The unfortunate part is that many of the reasons people hesitate are rooted in misconceptions about 软水器 technology. Let’s explore some common myths that surround the world of water filtration and softeners. 如果你还有其他问题, contact a local 软水器 dealer who will be happy to explain the technology in thorough detail.


Salt is an integral part of your 软水器 system and plays a vital role in the process. Resin beads are what actually remove the unwanted minerals from the water in your home, 但他们需要干净才能继续工作. 在软水器中使用盐来产生一种盐水来清洁树脂珠. 虽然你的钠含量可能会略微增加, 你的水应该保持在健康的范围内.


People sometimes falsely believe that a 软水器 system will completely purify their water. A 软水器 plays a very specific role, and that is to remove hard minerals from your water. And while its function is extremely beneficial, it doesn’t go so far as to purify the water. 如果你想过滤或净化你的水,除了软化, additional systems can work in conjunction with a 软水器 to deliver those results. A water professional can guide you through the options you have to enhance your 软水器 with additional water treatment solutions.


软化的水在淋浴时确实感觉不同. Some people report feeling a film on their 皮肤。 after they have a 软水器 installed. But what is actually happening is that the hard water minerals are absent from soft water, 所以硬水不会在你的皮肤上积聚. The sensation is actually a sign that you are exceptionally clean and your body is using its natural oils to soften your hair, 皮肤。, 和指甲.


水软化剂的工作原理是用钠离子交换水中讨厌的矿物质, 但这些矿物质并不是必需的. 钙和镁是最常见的使水变硬的矿物质. 虽然这些矿物质对你有益, you don’t absorb them in your drinking water the same way you do if they are in your food. 获得这些矿物质的最好方法是通过健康的饮食, 你应该从哪里获得所有必需的矿物质.


Well water is notorious for being hard and almost always benefits from the help of a 软水器. 但这并不意味着软水器只适用于井水. The perks of having an in-home 软水器 extend to homeowners regardless of where they source their water. 不管你的家是靠水井还是靠城市供水, you can enjoy the reduced limescale build-up and the benefits to your hair and 皮肤。.


The main concern with septic tanks is how the salt reacts with the bacteria your septic system relies on to break things down. 然而, 通过时间和研究, we have learned that having a 软水器 is actually beneficial to the bacteria in your septic tank. 适量的钠可以帮助健康的细菌生长, 让您的化粪池系统优化性能.


There is a common misconception that having a 软水器 is an unattainable luxury. And while installing a 软水器 in your home will give you a luxurious experience, 不是因为它贵得离谱. 而任何形式的家庭水处理都需要初始投资, 它可能比你想象的更实惠. 除了, 在系统的生命周期内, 你可以节省能源费用,延长家电的使用寿命. Those cost savings could add up to more than the initial investment in the system. Talk to your Austin 软水器 installer for a quote on a 软水器 install.


People have become increasingly aware of the implications of the pH levels of the water they drink and have become curious about the pH of softened water. The process of softening water does change the pH levels because of the sodium that is used in the process. 软水的pH值可能略低, but the difference is usually negligible and nowhere near a concerning level of acidity.

Installing a whole-home 软水器 is one of the best things you can do as a homeowner. 软水不仅可以帮助改善你的皮肤健康和感觉, 但它也可能延长你家里依赖的许多系统的寿命. A water expert in your local area will be more than happy to address any concerns you might have and explain all you have to gain by making the investment.

